Platform updates

A steady stream of Disciple improvements at your finger tips! We'll be keeping you up-to-date on our movements in an easy-to-digest and friendly format. So kick back and have a read of what we've been up to!

15 June, 2024

Add event to calendar

A new feature giving members the option to create a copy of an event in their Google/Apple calendar.

12 June, 2024

Livestream banner updates

The in-app banner that lets members know a livestream is happening now has been improved. It's now more reliable, uses your branding colours and includes the name and thumbnail of the group the livestream is happening in.

8 June, 2024

Improved labelling for screen readers

Improvements to the labelling used for three areas of the app: Navigation, posting, commenting. This labelling is supported by all the available languages on Disciple.

1 June, 2024

Search for folders

Members are now able to search for folders that are marked as "searchable".

16 May, 2024

Prompt members to choose a username

It's now possible to not pre-fill member usernames with their email address on signup. This means every member will have to enter their name manually. When this is enabled, it's possible to change the field label text – allowing you to instruct them to use their "Username", "Name", "Full name" or whatever you think is most appropriate for your community.

16 May, 2024

Livestream portrait mode

Livestream from your mobile app in portrait or landscape mode.

8 May, 2024

Livestream on the web version with screen sharing

Livestream direct from the web version with screen sharing, without needing to link to an external streaming client.

23 April, 2024

Member acquisition analytics

The ability to integrate with Meta SDK, so that you can track performance of ads from facebook/instagram all the way to signup.

16 April, 2024

Ukrainian translation

It's now possible to set a Disciple app to appear in Ukrainian for all members.

28 February, 2024

Search results UI improvements on iOS and Android

The appearance of search results has improved on iOS and Android. The top 3 results from each category are shown first, allowing your members to quickly scan for what they're looking for. Pressing "see all" shows every result from that category.

28 February, 2024

Search for groups on iOS and Android

Your members will now see groups as a search result type on iOS and Android.

10 January, 2024

Saving folders and posts

Your members can now save a folder or a post by pressing on the save icon. Their saved items on their profile. All about bookmarking

2 October, 2023

Attach a file to a post

You can now share a pdf, rtf, doc(x), odt, csv, xls(x), ppt(x) file with any post. Just use the paperclip icon to try it out.

17 August, 2023

Language support: Japanese

It's now possible to switch your community language to Japanese.

3 August, 2023

Console image upload improvements

When uploading images to Groups, Courses and Welcome slides, you're now able to resize/crop the image before saving it.

24 July, 2023

Courses one-time purchases

Those who have been given early access to Courses are now able to sell their courses as one-time purchases on iOS, Android and web!

19 July, 2023

Android video upload time improvement

Video upload times on Android have been majorly improved.

4 July, 2023

Mark all notifications as read

Your members can now mark all of their new notifications as read to clean up their Notification centre.

29 June, 2023

Console account security upgraded to PassKey

PassKey is a Two Factor Authentication system that allows you to keep your Console account more secure. What is PassKey and How do I set it up?

12 June, 2023

Console Posts page improvements

The Console's Posts page now features a search bar and a date range filter!

15 May, 2023

Courses – early access

A select group of hosts have been given early access to this brand new feature while Disciple is still actively working on making it the best it can be.

Courses will help you to create, sell and optimise your course content. Your members will be able to enrol, track their progress and get rewarded for completing a course.

27 April, 2023

Close all reports – Moderation page

The ability to close all open reports (either by page or all reports) has been added to help manage the reports received in the Moderation section of the Console.

14 April, 2023

Dutch language support

Dutch has been added to the available community languages.

21 March, 2023

Action centre

A personalised area of the Console that lets you know which posts haven’t got any comments, what groups have members waiting to be accepted into, when your app needs to be updated, if you need to take action on any content that’s been reported and will remind you if you haven’t got any content scheduled over the next 7 days.
How to keep your community healthy with Action centre.

15 March, 2023

New member ranking algorithm

The updated ranking score helps you to identify which members are the most engaged in your community.
How the ranking score works.

8 March, 2023

Search for posts

It’s now possible for you and your members to search for posts on web, iOS and Android! Find out how it works in our Knowledge base article.

20 February, 2023

Console Posts page redesign

Offering a much better way to moderate and manage all the posts in your community (from all the groups you have) from one handy screen. From the Post page, it’s now possible to see all your group’s posts on one page; filter the list by group, scheduled, published and unpublished posts; create and schedule a post and add media, buttons or polls in a much easier way; quickly see how much engagement each post has received; and download a CSV file containing all posts, comments and articles published to your community.

8 February, 2023

Advanced analytics

We’ve optimised our advanced analytics offering – featuring refreshed, easy-to-read visualisations and the ability to download the raw data behind each visualisation. This is available directly in the Console on selected pricing plans.

2 February, 2023

Grouped notifications

We’ve made notifications even more useful to your members by: grouping push notifications; grouping likes in-app notifications on your posts; grouping in-app notifications of new posts from the same group; adding the ability for the host to switch off grouping in-app new post notifications by group.

26 January, 2023

Android and iOS 4.0

iOS 4.0 is here 🎉

We’ve made changes to how we build and test new versions of the app so we can release updates, bug fixes and new features faster. To mark this, we’ve moved the major version of the apps to version 4, and you’ll see new minor versions are available in the App updates page of your Console going forward.

Don’t worry you don’t have to update your community every time, we’ll keep you posted when a need-to-update release is out.

18 January, 2023

Console emails improvements

We’ve given the emails the Console sends out a refresh to make them easier to understand, more accessible and compatible with mobile email clients. They are also less likely to be seen as spam. This includes frequently used emails like Console login verification and invite email summary.

16 January, 2023

Android 9 support warning

We’ve added a warning for members using Android 9 as their phone operating system. This warns that soon the Mobile app will not be supported on this older version and they should update their phone software to Android 10 or later. Android 9 is also known as Android Pie.

10 January, 2023

Improve video quality on iOS

We’ve made some optimisations so short videos on iOS will now appear in higher video quality.

9 January, 2023

iOS 3.69 is here, including...

Open ID Connect

We’ve now added support for member Single Sign-On (SSO) using Open ID Connect on both Android and iOS. Simplify the member registration and login experience by using your existing identify platform to manage authentication.

Schedule posts from your mobile app

Hosts and Group admins can now use our improved scheduling posts feature within both iOS and Android. Create and plan content on the go or when you simply can’t be bothered to open your laptop!

iOS event timezones

The iOS app now supports timezones on events! Your events will now show the correct local time and timezone based on the timezone you set in the Console, and the timezone in use on a members iOS device.

5 January, 2023

API and Zapier automations for subscriptions and badges

We’ve added support for pre-registering a member subscription through the Public API and Zapier. You can also now automate adding badges to members via Zapier.

28 November, 2022

Welcome slides

Onboard new members easily and communicate community rules and guidelines.
Find out how to configure and rollout Welcome slides.

11 November, 2022

Multi plan subscriptions

Offer tiered subscriptions to your members, with monthly and annual payment options. Monetise your folders, groups, livestreams, events and posts and sell the benefits of your subscriptions using the dynamic paywall which you can update at any time.

2 November, 2022

Android 3.67 is now available.

Making it possible for members to hide objectionable content from a member from their feed, at the same time as reporting it to the host.

All our hosts now have access to the newly improved Console

With overhauled navigation menus to make it faster to get to the features and settings you need. Managing your members, content and apps just got way easier!


17 October, 2022

Members now receive grouped push notifications for comments! This means your members will get a single push notification for all the comments their post has received. For example: "5 people commented on your post". (On Android, this is only available on version 3.66 or higher).

Android 3.66 has dropped!

Along with the above improvement, we've also updated the app's video player with controls to jump back and forward 15 seconds.

20 September, 2022

The Console Groups page has been completely redesigned! The new layout makes better use of screen space, making it more appropriate for communities with a large amount of groups. It also provides direct links to see the group's members in the members list and view the group's posts.

30 August, 2022

The new iOS release has dropped!

3.63 brings several new features and background updates.

For communities with multiple levels of subscriptions, this release will allow your members to easily upgrade their subscription from a lower plan to a higher tiered one.

We included some translation fixes and included our latest translations for French-enabled communities.

Many bugs were fixed in this version: The Manage Subscriptions link works again, GIFs can now be added everywhere you expect them to be available, Livestream viewers will no longer see a (non-working) "start live stream" button

This release also includes several upgrades for some of the underlying dependencies and services that we use.

4 August, 2022

It's time for a change in events and this is not a change you will want to miss!

We have released the first part of our "Events with timezones" work today and whilst it is only the first part of the feature to be released we are super happy with the result 🥳🥳🥳🥳

Want to find out more about adding a timezone to events?


2 August, 2022

Another iOS release? 🍏

We know it hasn't been long but we have decided to give you another version of iOS!

v3.62 fixes an issue we have been seeing with subscription cards occasionally not displayed correctly.

If you use subscriptions, you should update your iOS app and make sure it is at least on the v3.62 iOS version.

Need help updating your app?


28 July, 2022

That's not all for today though! It is time for a new iOS version!! 🍏

v3.61 of iOS brings together all the changes we have been working on during July and starts to bring some really key features to iOS.

The add button has been added to the message screen group to ensure all members can leave a message if they want to.

We have also taken this release to get ready the iOS code for different languages and multi-tier subscriptions! We will be communicating in future releases when these features will be available to use but this is a very exciting step forward and one of which we are all super excited to get delivered for you and your members.

To finish off we have of course committed a number of key bug fixes as part of this release also. Posting videos, blink buttons, and the more menu have all seen substantial improvements with v3.61.

Need help updating your app?


28 July, 2022

Another day, another release!

Today has been a big release with lots of subtle tweaks and changes.

Included in this change we have amended our magic links email, fixed issues with email deliverability, and started to plan for the turn-off of Internet Explorer, which makes all of us at Disciple feel pretty old! 👴🏽

25 July, 2022

The new version of Android is here! 📱

This release of v3.61 is a real mix of changes and fixes and we are super pleased with the result!

Members can delete their account directly from the Android app 📦
Members can leave group messages from the Android app 📦
The invisible buttons have been fixed! ⚒️
The keyboard overlapping has been fixed! ⚒️
Commenting on videos has been fixed! ⚒️

As always this release has been over a number of weeks and contains lots of other tweaks that greatly improve the member experience for your Android users 😃

Need help updating your app?


14 July, 2022

Well, yesterday was a fun release day! 🚀

Did you think we would forget about Zapier? ⚡⚡⚡

Both the Webhook change for groups and the badges API changes have been added to Zapier as triggers and actions!

To find out more about Zapier CLICK HERE

Happy Zapping! ⚡⚡⚡

13 July, 2022

The 13th may be unlucky for some, but it's not for us here at Disciple!

It's double release day! 🧨

We have added to our API the ability to allocate or remove a badge for your members. This is a super useful change that should allow you as a host to automate what badge your members get awarded automatically!

Not using badges yet? Find out more about them HERE

13 July, 2022

Do you know what a Webhook is?

Well, it's an automated message sent from a system when something happens!

Today we have added a few new webhooks to our code so that you can now set them up to fire when someone joins or leaves one of your groups.

Want to know more about webhooks? CLICK HERE

5 July, 2022

A new version of iOS is out with v3.60! 🍏

This is just a small change to ensure the iOS app is all working as we need it to!

Need help updating your app?


4 July, 2022

It's a change to the Web version to start this week off!

We have updated our web version to show the Gallery view, so now, no matter the option you chose to use it will show correctly across all 3 of our platforms

29 June, 2022

Today we have deployed further tweaks to the Console 🚀

Most of the changes are small and most of you won't notice too much of a difference but it continues us on the path to making our console the best it can be in 2022! 💅

Head over to your console now to check out the changes for yourself!

28 June, 2022

A new version of iOS is out! 🍏

"What another one?!"

Yes! We have made an additional release of v3.59 to introduce a change so a member can delete their profile by visiting the settings screen from their profile settings and selecting the new "Delete Account" option.

This change has been made to keep us up to date with all the latest rules and regulations in the App Store.

Need help updating your app?


22 June, 2022

A new version of iOS is out! 🍏

This release of v3.58 introduces a change to the activity feed where members must select a group before posting and also fixes an issue with GIFs in the iOS app also

Need help updating your app?


21 June, 2022

Do you use Authenticated links?

If you do you will be able to now set them up yourselves in the console with no assistance required from anyone here at Disciple.

Never used them before Find out more HERE

17 June, 2022

One more release this week!

We had noticed an issue with Freemium apps that use the Livestreaming part of the app. We have fixed the issue so everyone should be good again to Livestream whenever you want to!

14 June, 2022

A new version of Android is out! 📱

This release of v3.58 introduces a change to the activity feed where members must select a group before posting and also fixes a ratio issue for people who use our RTMP live streaming!

Need help updating your app?


10 June, 2022

A little while ago we told you about our new Console 🚀

Today we have updated the onboarding section of the page and we think it's awesome. 🕶

🙌🏻 We have added a brand new feature to the onboarding page that allows you to send an automatic welcome message directly to all new members without connecting to them!

🧳 We moved the Welcome email from the Emails page to the Onboarding page

💅 And we have given the whole UI a much-needed refresh! 💅

Head over to your console now to check out the changes for yourself!

9 June, 2022

It's a good day for fixing things! 🛠️

Today we fixed an issue we were seeing when the group order could not be changed if a community had more than 55 groups!

If this was you, consider this now all fixed!

31 May, 2022

It's a change to the Web version to start this week off with a bang! 🧨

On the Web now, members will be asked to select the group they wish to post to before they can post in your app!

This should help all the hosts that have issues with having to move posts that ended up in the wrong place!

The change is coming to both our 📱Android📱 and 🍏iOS🍏 versions in the upcoming releases

27 May, 2022

Happy Friday and it's another big Friday fix-it day here at Disciple! 🛠️

We have fixed it so you can delete groups that are secret and we have fixed a very specific issue around not being able to upload an image to a post!

25 May, 2022

✨✨ It's Zapier time again, introducing... Zapier 2.0! ✨✨

A while ago we worked out our Subscription trigger was not what it needed to be, and whilst we tried our best to fix it, it had to go.

We have replaced it with 2 brand new triggers that will allow you to accurately keep up to date with your subscribers at all times.

We have added the "Subscription became active" Zap and we have added the "Subscription Expired" Zap. What do they do? One will fire every time someone subscribes to your app and one will fire if your member cancels or they do not renew!

24 May, 2022

It's a day for a bug fix! 🐛

Today we have resolved an issue where admins with the “community host” role could not create or edit groups, well now they can again!

17 May, 2022

We continue to update our new console! 🚀

We have done a host of UI changes and cleaned the whole thing up to make it more reliable for you to use as hosts!

11 May, 2022

Another day, another tweak to our web version!

You should find that the Uploads of images and videos are now a lot smoother and faster! 💨💨💨💨💨

11 May, 2022

We have made some changes to our web version today.

These include changes to Events, Content, Error reporting, and the UI!

Get to your web version now to check out your new and improved web app

5 May, 2022

It's been a week of releases here at Disciple!

We have made changes to both the Backend and our Web version, all of which should make our app even more reliable moving forward! 🥷

28 April, 2022

Introducing our new Console 🚀

Today we have updated the Console to make it feel more refreshing, more dynamic and of course, make it easier for you to find the information you need to successfully manage your community.

From now on, you’ll be experiencing the new Console (Console v3) 😊

The Console now is a mixture of Console v2 & v3 including a new page and 2 updated pages:

🎥 The Livestream page, a place where you can see analytics of all the past Livestreams and download any recording

👥 The Admins page (previously called Team). This is the page where you can invite co-hosts to have access to the Console if you have the seats available.

Head over to your console now to check out the changes for yourself!

18 April, 2022

Today we’ve renamed the 'Advanced' section to 'Legacy settings' in the Console.

The 'Advanced' section, which you grew to love despite its 'drab & grey' aesthetic, is our pre-console content management system. The name we chose projected a specific image, and since we didn't migrate all features onto the console, it rang true.

In reality, it's just a legacy CMS, which we keep accessible as it further empowers you and your communities.

We're hoping to phase it out in the future, but not before we improve the Console and migrate the most used 'legacy' features over.

And don't worry, this won't happen overnight, but rest assured that this tiny change is an interlude to something much larger and better! Watch this space! 👀

14 April, 2022

Do you find your members sometimes post in the wrong groups? can now move the posts from your Console!

Simply head to your posts page and on the post you want to move, click the more menu and select "Move Post", then choose the group you want it to be moved to and there you have it!

11 April, 2022

The Console is changing! 🎮

We've updated the design colours on the Console for a better look & feel.

Head over to your console now to check out the changes for yourself!

7 April, 2022

A new version of Android is out! 📱

It's been a little while since our last Android release but this one is worth the wait!

This release of v3.56 introduces a new version of the Paywall members sees in the app. This is the first change we are making in this area but with future changes planned, watch this space....

Other than that we have introduced group header images to Android! This feature is already on Web and iOS but we thought it was about time we updated it so the members who use the Android app could see it too! As well as this if you disable comments and likes on an article the Android app will now react to that setting.

Need help updating your app?


5 April, 2022

And one more surprise! A small Zapier tweak ✨

To help you set up those Zaps we have adjusted the logic so you can look up the most recent member, not the first member in the database!

To find out more about Zapier CLICK HERE

Happy Zapping! ⚡⚡⚡

5 April, 2022

Another day, another release!

Today we have updated the text and links around the console, we renamed the 'Advanced' section to 'Legacy settings'.

In reality, it's just a legacy CMS, which we keep accessible as it further empowers our hosts and their communities.

We're hoping to phase it out in the future, but not before we improve the console and migrate the most used 'legacy' features over.

And don't worry, this won't happen overnight, but rest assured that this tiny change is an interlude to something much larger!

4 April, 2022

Happy Monday everyone! A little while ago we started working on improving your subscription data. It took a little longer than we wanted but we can now show you what we have been working on.

Introducing Subscription Insights 🚀

Subscription insights are designed to give an understanding of a subscriptions performance at a glance. By clearly displaying high-level data, informed decisions about subscriptions can be made easier and quicker.

To find out more CLICK HERE

31 March, 2022

It's just a small change to our web version today. 🖥️

If you use Magic Links to let your members access your community then you will notice we have tweaked the text slightly.

It simply now says, "Log in with email", it's as simple as that!

25 March, 2022

A new version of iOS is out! 🍏

It's been a little while since our last iOS release but this one is worth the wait!

This release of v3.56 introduces a new version of the Paywall members sees in the app. This is the first change we are making in this area but with future changes planned, watch this space.

Other than that we have introduced group header images to iOS! This feature is already on the Web version but we thought it was about time we updated it so the members who use the iOS app could see it too! As well as this if you disable comments and likes on an article the iOS app will now react to that setting.

With the iOS app now also members can see who liked a comment, report another member from the app - If they have to, and they will be able to click on an event if it has already happened which is exactly how the events work across all of our platforms from this release onwards.

Finally, we have fixed a few things also so you shouldn't see any errors on messaging and the images and folders will behave themselves when scrolling up and down the app.

Need help updating your app?


23 March, 2022

Zapier 1.6.2 is now live! ✨

But what does that mean for you and your community?

It means now you can get all the Custom Profile information from your app and take it into Zapier, you will need to map the fields out in Zapier before you send them too to your other systems but this is a major step in the right direction to get you more data on your members.

But that is not all, we have also added the ability to Add or expire a Subscription via Zapier! ⚡

To find out more about Zapier CLICK HERE

Happy Zapping! ⚡⚡⚡

22 March, 2022

It's been a little while since our last major release but that just means we have been cooking up a few things that you are really going to love! ❤️‍🔥

To start off, we have changed the logic behind file uploads to help you out when you are trying to post your livestreams.

If you miss the chance or want to re-upload the video we now fully support the .flv file type. 🙌

This means no more converting the file outside of the app!

It's the first of many changes we will be doing over the next few weeks so watch this space......

7 March, 2022

We have made some changes to our web version today. If you use the web version you should now see the back button showing again!! 🖥️

4 March, 2022

Anyone who utilises the Member Single Sign On (SSO), this change is for you!

We have amended the body of the email that goes about to members that have been deleted when you have member SSO enabled.

3 March, 2022

Another day, another release!

We have made some changes to our web version today. If you use the web version you shouldn't notice much difference but it should all be running a lot smoother under the hood!

1 March, 2022

Introducing Default Group Header 🎉

A custom group header is a great way to make your groups look professional and exciting for your members. Based on this we have decided to give the default a facelift so it still looks awesome, even if you have not been able to add a specific header for that group yet.

28 February, 2022

🚨 2nd update of the day 🚨

We have added a small change to our Public API. Now you are able to choose whether to send an email to your member or not if you delete them at any stage. This mirrors the logic we have in the Console when removing members.

And last, but not least, we have resolved an issue we spotted with the member list on the member directory 💪🏽

28 February, 2022

Updates to the Console to start the week! 🎉

To start we have updated the filters on the console for you as hosts. Now as a host you can filter your members to see if they are stuck with a pending invite or if they are an admin of one of your groups!

"Invitation pending" & "Admin of group(s)" are the filters you will need to use

25 February, 2022

Friday fact time!

Friday the 13th, although considered lucky in some parts of the world, is often a day of superstition for most people in the western world, and the fear of Friday the 13th is known as paraskavedekatriaphobia. 👻👻👻

Anyway, we have finished this week off with some changes to our Web platform 🖥️

Accepting or starting a conversation from someone else's profile now works seamlessly and there will no longer be random jumping about of the loading spinner! 🎉

Watch out next week for some super cool changes that are just around the corner

23 February, 2022

Zapier v1.4.1 is out and it's an exciting change

We now allow you to add a member to a group direct from Zapier. This means that you can automate members into the right groups or create maybe a secret group and ensure only your most active members get added to it, without you manually getting involved at all!

To go with this, we also added the ability to remove members also! However you want to automate group access via Zapier, you can.

To find out more about Zapier CLICK HERE

21 February, 2022

It's a new week and we have already been making some Web Changes 🖥️

We have tweaked messaging to make it work better and you will now also see the system behaving more when it is leading between screens!

Watch this space, there are more exciting things to come this week 🎉

18 February, 2022

Ready for another Friday fact?!

Did you know there are no muscles in your fingers? Their function is controlled by muscles in your palms and arms!

Just a small web release this morning 🖥️

We have fixed the like button for certain scenarios where it wasn't working as we would have liked!

17 February, 2022

It's time for our second Android release of the week! 📱

🔋 We have made a small change to move us up to v3.53, this is to add the report user mechanism for members. If a member has a particular issue with another member they can simply report them from the Android app.🔋

Need help updating your app?


15 February, 2022

It's a busy day here at Disciple!

We have pushed out changes to our backend and our web platform 🖥️

On web, you can now see who liked a comment and we have also added a warning for Internet Explorer users to ensure they know it is not one of our supported browsers.

In the backend, we have added some changes to get us ready for some changes we are making in the rest of Q1 and committed a few copy changes to make some of our functions in the console make more sense!

14 February, 2022

A new version of Android is out! 📱

It's been a little while since our last Android release but we are super pleased with this release and it kicks us off for our Android schedule in 2022!

🔋 This release of v3.52 corrects an event time issue and members can now close a video by simply pressing the back arrow. Whilst it is a slightly smaller release compared to future releases we have planned, we have also used this release to make sure our Android app is fully supported with Android 12. 🔋

Need help updating your app?


11 February, 2022

Some Web Changes to finish the week! 🖥️

We have sped things up! Messaging speed and the UX have been tinkered!

We have also tweaked the Livestream settings a bit - Go us!

10 February, 2022

Busy day!

Authenticated Links had an issue, we have sorted it!

Sorry to anyone who uses them and noticed, all is back now working the way it should be 👊🏽

10 February, 2022

Another week, another iOS release! 🍏

This is the last one for a while, we promise! 😉

So what is different about iOS v3.54? The answer, not much, but it's still a super cool release.

In v3.54 for iOS we have corrected an issue with Badges that made some Badges not visible! If you haven't already please upgrade your iOS app to v3.54 and stay well up to date with the changes we have been making.

Need help updating your app?


4 February, 2022

Happy Friday! 🧨

Friday Fact time, did you know the English name Friday comes from the Old English Frīġedæġ, meaning “Day of Frige"? This is as a result of the Old English goddess Frigg (an Anglo-Saxon interpretation of the Norse goddess Freya) being associated with the Roman goddess Venus.♀️

Interesting stuff a?! 🤓🤓🤓

Anyway, we have also done a small update to the system this morning under the hood, nothing to worry about but we thought it was just good to let you know! 💻

Happy Friday everyone!

3 February, 2022

As promised - We have delivered iOS v3.53 🍏

This release is all centered around the Livestream and the banner members see when someone goes live. With the changes, we have made in this version we hope this banner is clear for all members so as many as possible join and get on board with your awesome livestream offering. 🎥

31 January, 2022

A new version of iOS is out! 🍏

We just couldn't wait to tell you that we have released our new iOS version - v3.52

This January release includes a crucial bug fix with folder descriptions but is mainly centered around behind-the-scenes updates and improvements. We have upgraded to the latest version of Xcode to keep up with all the latest benefits that it gives us, head over to your console and get your iOS app updated.

We are planning a further 2 smaller versions in the next few weeks but for now, get updated and keep all your members up to date with the latest we have to offer.

26 January, 2022

We have a new set of webhooks! 🕸️🪝

Let's talk....Subscriptions! A short while ago we noticed our old "user_subscription_change" webhook, well, was just that, old!

Subsequently, we have replaced it with 2 brand new webhooks to ensure you are getting exactly the right information about your subscribers.

More information will be out in the near future via the Collective but for now, you can see these webhooks in the normal place, one handles the new subscribers and is aptly titled "user_subscription_became_active" and on the flip side we have also added user_subscription_became_expired.

If webhooks are new to you or you have any additional questions on how you can best utilise webhooks in your community please reach out to us!

25 January, 2022

It's a new week! Changes are here!

We now support more Stripe payment methods such as SEPA payments! This allows you as a host a greater degree of flexibility when choosing how to charge your members.

If you want to read more about the payment methods Stripe offers CLICK HERE

As always, if you are one of our hosts and want to learn more about Stripe and taking payments CLICK HERE

20 January, 2022

Web Changes! 🖥️

Events will now display whether they have happened or not! This will allow members to access all events whether they were able to make the live event or not.

We have also changed the behaviour of the Notifications, when members now click the item, they will be taken exactly where they need to and the Notification Centre will close as expected.

18 January, 2022

This week has all been about speed 🏃‍♀️💨💨💨

763.035 mph That is the time for the current holder of the Outright World Land Speed Record. Andy Green holds the record, a feat he achieved over a distance of one mile in October 1997.

This is known as the first supersonic record as it exceeded the sound barrier at Mach 1.016.

Well, we aren't that quick but over the last few weeks, we have made various improvements to the backend to help us boost the performance of our software and we will continue to do so and monitor closely 💨💨💨

17 January, 2022

Do you use our Member Single Sign-on functionality?

If so, you can now view the member SSO information on each members profile

A simple but effective change to start a big week off for us 👊🏽

12 January, 2022

It's been a quieter week here at Disciple towers but we have managed to squeeze some small changes into our Web version 🖥️

New comments can now always be liked, posts and comments stay visible even after editing and we have made some tweaks to the way the back button works with the app. 🏌️

3 January, 2022

Happy New Year from Disciple! 🎉🎆🎉🎆

2022 has started fast and we have released a number of small changes and fixes to kick us off in 2022 🎊

Amongst the changes, we have made some adjustments to the way Stripe Connect works with subscriptions and Badges should now load quicker on our Web version!

If you haven't tried out Badges for your community yet where have you been hiding?! Make sure your app is updated and utilize badges in your community today! 👊🏽

For more info on badges CLICK HERE

16 December, 2021

The monthly app updates are here for December! 🚨☃️

It's been a little while but we have updated both our iOS and Android versions 🙌

Check out what's new HERE

3 December, 2021

Subscription prompts and nudges are here 🚀

And by nudges, we mean, remind your members that there are some amazing things that they are missing elsewhere in the community!

Are you looking to:
📈Increase your communities revenue
🤝Convert free members into paying members

If so, find out more about nudges and potentially see how they can work for you HERE

11 November, 2021

Member deletion

You will now be able to stop the email going out when you delete a member if you choose to.

This will allow you to manage your member list more smoothly and give you more control over adding and removing members in the console 👬👭

4 November, 2021

More console changes!

You will now be able to delete more than 50 members at a time. Previously there was a restriction where you can only remove the members per page, we have removed this for you.

27 October, 2021

Feature update!

Earlier in the year we released changes to add BADGES

It was on Web originally but as of today, and iOS version 3.48 this feature is now fully released across all our platforms.

To find out more about Badges and the best ways to use them in your community CLICK HERE

26 October, 2021

Console changes have been made

We have today deployed changes to update the account deletion email text.

Also, we have made some changes to ensure that all member counts are up to date across the console, so, if you have an app that relies on subscriptions, this will make it easier for you to see who is a current payer and who is not! 🏦

22 October, 2021

Moderation changes are here!

A subject that has many ways in which we can focus and we have tried to do our best to give you as hosts more options to help you deal with the moderation challenges inside your community.

To find out more about Moderation and the best ways to moderate your community HERE

14 October, 2021

We have given our Web platform a fresh upgrade.... again!

This week we have noticed and fixed a few issues around folders and assets colours 🪲

6 October, 2021

We have given our Web platform a fresh upgrade!

We have noticed and fixed a few issues around group descriptions and group ordering 🪲

30 September, 2021

The app updates are here for September! 🚨

From this point on once a month, we will be doing a roundup of all things Android and iOS 🙌

Check out what's new HERE

15 September, 2021

We have updated our Web version!

We have noticed and fixed a few issues around comments when viewed on mobile, especially on an iOS device 🪲

9 September, 2021

Double delight!

It's a double-release day!

We have noticed and fixed a small error where certain members' profiles weren't available to view in the CMS. We have now rectified this and you can again view all your members should you need to 🪲

We have also fixed a few things in the Web version. This includes when your members reply, it will scroll to the reply for them, and we have also reduced the slightly jumpy nature of the mentions box 🪲

7 September, 2021

We have made a start and delivered the first part on the updated Invite system.

We have cleaned up a few of the unusual behaviors we noticed with our previous Invite mechanism. There isn't too much of a difference to you yet but the work should be completed next week to ensure the Invites work exactly the way they should do!

2 September, 2021

We have redesigned the Group pages!

This new look makes Groups more engaging and makes important information more prominent, while also allowing you to display header & cover images for each group 👊

25 August, 2021

It's Event Day - If you missed it, check out the event and all the features HERE

For exact dates for specific feature releases that aren't yet out, check this page for further updates!

20 August, 2021

MFA - This is an important one for all, we have made some tweaks and enabled MFA for all communities, now we hear you ask, what is MFA? How does it affect me?

Check HERE to see what it's all about

13 August, 2021

Another day, another release!

Today we have made changes to our backend monitoring. If we need to, we are now storing better information for errors that occur on the Web platform

9 August, 2021

We have given our web version a fresh update today. Livestream should now be more reliable, leaving and joining groups should be easier and in iOS on Web, the scrolling should be a lot smoother

4 August, 2021

We have made a few tweaks to the event logic. If you now copy the event it will correctly copy the event in its entirety!

23 July, 2021

We have fixed an old issue. No matter the case of an email that gets sent to us with our Member SSO we will handle it for you. All emails should be lower case, but if they are not, we will sort it out on our end for you no worries!

15 July, 2021

We have fixed a few issues reported to us regarding smaller images and email verification. Now on web, when opening in Portrait mode, these images should look a lot better and you can close always close the email verification prompt.

8 July, 2021

Zapier v1.3 is out - we now allow you to get all subscription and product information into Zapier from your app. Check Zapier out HERE

5 July, 2021

Another release!

Now on Web the loading spinner is a bit more accurate and you can close an image by clicking off the image in all galleries again

1 July, 2021

It's been a quiet week but we have made a few console changes and are working on bigger things as July moves on! Keep your eyes peeled for the cool new stuff we have planned in the coming weeks and months

24 June, 2021

It's the web again! We finished off the changes from last week! Another 10 super tweaks have gone in!

16 June, 2021

It's a bumper web day! We have made a whopping 34 changes to the Web platform to make it a smoother and more enjoyable experience for you and your members!

15 June, 2021

Zapier v1.2 is out - Check it out what it now does HERE

8 June, 2021

Web platform changes

We have made a small tweak to the web platform and we have also given a 24 hour grace period to all web subscribers when it comes to renewing their subscription with you

2 June, 2021

Webhook change 🚨

We have made a small tweak to the way our subscription webhooks work, if you use the subscription webhook we hope it should make your life a lot more simple!

27 May, 2021

It's Event Day - If you missed it, check out the event and all the features HERE

For exact dates for specific feature releases, check this page for further updates!

17 May, 2021

For all you large communities out there, this one is for you! We have fixed a small issue which meant that on occasion some larger exports of the members were failing, it's now fixed.

11 May, 2021

We have added the ability to remove the folder covers, we hope this will help everyone who wants to give those folders a facelift or maybe made a small error in the first place, but don't worry, we won't tell anyone 😉🤫

6 May, 2021

It's been a week of fixes so far!

We have given the Web version an update plus we have resolved a posting issue which meant previously you couldn't edit the post if it had a button

30 April, 2021

Push Notification Change alert 🚨

We have added the Push Notification enabled data to your dashboards, so as hosts, you can now see how many of your members exactly have push notifications turned on or not

26 April, 2021

We now allow all hosts to create an Integration with Mailchimp, if you use Mailchimp or are thinking about using Mailchimp for your community app then CLICK HERE.

26 April, 2021

We now allow all hosts with Android or iOS apps to self-set up an Integration with Appsflyer. If you use Appsflyer or are thinking about taking using Appsflyer with your community app then check it out on the Integrations page in your console

20 April, 2021

We now allow all hosts to create an Integration with Thinkific without any assistance from Disciple. iI you use Thinkific or are thinking about taking up a learning management platform in conjunction with your community app then - CLICK HERE.

16 April, 2021

The Web version has had an update! Head over to your community on Web now to check out the changes.

13 April, 2021

Another day, another release. We have exposed the Branding page images to you as hosts. Anyone with the manager role can now edit the images rather than just the app icon.

12 April, 2021

It's a new week and we have given the Web version a small update. Nothing to worry about, just a few tweaks we have been meaning to do for a while. As you were!

25 March, 2021

We have added the ability to bulk add subscriptions from CMS members list. This way if you want to grant 1 user a subscription or 50, you can seamlessly!

23 March, 2021

Who doesn’t love a GIF? We fully support the GIFs on across all our platforms so the quest for the best GIF is on!

16 March, 2021

Did you know the Emoji was invented in 1997 in Japan? We now support them across all our platforms! Get in! 🙌🎆🏆 🤘🇯🇵

9 March, 2021

It's been a little while since we posted but we have been hard at work don't you worry! We have have changed a few things to make the push notifications perform more efficently, go us!

19 February, 2021

Did you know what the British pound is the world's oldest currency still in use?! – it's 1,200 years old and dates back to Anglo-Saxon times!

Fortunately times have changed a bit since then and we know this, so we have made it so we now offer support for lots of different currencies with Stripe Connect.

You now chose the currency you want your members to pay you in.

18 February, 2021

New year, new us?

Not a chance!

But we have given the console a fresh lick of paint so get over to your console and let us know what you think of the changes we have made!

17 February, 2021

Our V1 Zapier offering is here! This is just the start but to find out more about what you can now do with Zapier CLICK HERE.

10 February, 2021

In the the notification centre we have added the info for all the posts for people your members follow. This is a crucial expansion of the notification centre and we hope it strengthens the notification centre as a central part of your app.

Community Stories

We’ve built beautiful apps for over 700 communities and helped them to engage over 2 million members. Find out how businesses like yours have used the Disciple platform to supercharge their communities!