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From billboards to app stores. Mikey Mike partners with Disciple

Mikey Mike Partners With Disciple Media

For Mikey Mike, life is about friends. Making new friends. Spending time with old friends. Spending time with anyone at all. He doesn’t seem too picky. After all, he did pepper Los Angeles with fliers and billboards bearing a picture of himself and the words: “New to LA. Wanna be friendz?” This was generally perceived as some sort of bizarre publicity stunt, but, according to Mikey Mike himself, it was a genuine attempt to make friends in a new city and overcome his feelings of loneliness.

Mikey also speaks about friendship and community in his music. The lyrics of his recently-released hit single Doin’ Me begin with a recollection of a conversation he had with his mother whilst walking with her in their neighbourhood. His mother asks “Mike, don’t you wanna meet someone?”, to which he replies “No! I wanna meet everyone!” This line aptly sums up Mikey’s attitude to making new friends. Put simply, he wants to be friends with everyone in the world. And he really means it.

It only takes a minute of listening to his lyrics to learn that making new connections with people, building a sense of community and finding ways to counteract the all too isolated coexistence of big city living are important things to Mikey Mike. So, it really couldn’t be more fitting that he has recently launched a new community app with Disciple.

The app will be the central hub for all things Mikey. Concert photos, backstage livestreams, posts from Mikey, updates from the road, gig tickets, merchandise and tour dates. Using his app, Mikey will be able to keep building the community he started building two years ago with his flier and billboard campaign. What was once an LA-local, one-directional broadcast campaign is now a global, collaborative, interactive community. One in which connections are established, conversations are started and friendships are made.

Mikey Mike talks about life

We at Disciple have been fans of Mikey since we were lucky enough to hear an early demo of his debut single, Doin’ Me. The song instantly struck a serious chord with all of us. And we’re not the only ones.

Rick Rubin loved what he heard and decided to produce the record. Zane Lowe recently selected the track as the winner of his World Record Award. And Canon chose the song as the soundtrack for their Live for the Story campaign. It’s clear that there is something special about this song. For us, it’s Mikey’s profound lyricism in describing the shared human experience that makes this song so unique and inspiring.

Doin’ Me presents us with an artist struggling with the rubric of modern society and wanting to find new ways to make new human connections. This is part of what makes Mikey’s app so interesting. He’s seeking new forms of interconnectedness and new ways to develop our current understanding of community.

And this is exactly what Disciple set out to do. To develop a platform for any content creator or community builder, which will help them build deeper connections and more direct relationships with their supporters. So, we are thrilled that Mikey shares our vision and sees our platform as the right place to continue building his community.

Going Charlie is not going social

Mikey’s multi-talented, spontaneous and gregarious nature makes people gravitate to him and gather around to see what he’ll do next. For the vast majority of contemporary artists, social networks are the easiest places to aggregate these people and communicate to them. But Mikey doesn’t just want to communicate to his fans. He wants to have conversations, create connections and start friendships with them.

His second single – Going Charlie – opens with a satirical sketch in which someone’s photo is liked by a celebrity on an unidentified social network. It is made crystal clear in this skit that Mikey does not view social networks as a forum for meaningful interaction or genuine friendship. You can listen to the song here if you’re not sure what I’m talking about.

It is this pursuit of authenticity and genuine connection that led Mikey to Disciple. Our vision has always been to build highly interactive and collaborative fan communities that are owned and controlled by the content creator. It is in this vision, that Mikey has found a home for his global community.

Burritos and buried emotions

We are thrilled to welcome such a talented artist and unique character onto our growing platform. Mikey’s pursuit of genuine human interaction and his progressive attitude to community building will create a unique space for Mikey and his fans.

The app has only been live for a few weeks and we already love what we’re seeing. One minute Mikey’s posting about a bit of two-day-old burrito he found in his beard and the next he’s sharing a deep reflection on the pain of suppressed emotion. It is this unique ability to layer wit and comedy into profound statements about life that make Mikey the perfect focus for a community and will keep us and his fans coming back for more.

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